In 2007, in the most popular show, held in the Central Exhibition Complex «Expocenter» - 4-th Moscow International «MOTOBIKE SALON 2007» , the magazine BikeFreak represents an annual Competition «Russian Bike of the Year» , which will be presented to the most beautiful and unusual bikes, manufactured both in Russia and abroad. All visitors will be able to immerse yourself in unforgettable atmosphere and obtain an annual subscription to the magazine «Motorcycles, Design & Innovation. BikeFreak ».
Journal «Motorcycles, Design & Innovation. BikeFreak » - this is a best and most interesting developments in motomire. Presentation of new motorcycles, exclusive show tales, information about the masters kastomayzinga - their secrets, his life. Stories and legends, the itineraries and travel, festivals and extraordinary show. News motoclub, music releases and exclusive interviews. Design and innovation. And of course the most beautiful girl in the magazine Bike Freak.